Christine Schneider

born 1962

Christine's first encounter with Asian martial arts was judo training while still in her 70s. In the early 80's she began body-oriented self-awareness in a variety of traditional and modern methods - including Autogenic Training, Qigong, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Kinesiology, TaKeTiNa and many more. It became a quest of over 30 years, which led, among other things, to training as a certified Shiatsu practitioner and HAKOMI therapist. At the beginning of the 90s, however, she had already finally found "her" movement and martial art with Taiji. What she started as a proven method for health promotion, self-defense and gentle stress reduction, gradually became a holistic inner development path.

Christine has been a student of Patrick Kelly for 30+ years and is part of his network of senior instructors. She has been leading the taiji school since 2011, and in addition to Austria, regularly teaches in Germany and Hungary, as well as (irregularly) in other countries.